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Win FREE tickets to Fedcon 16!


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Hello, I've just subscribed here following the advice of a friend.

Sorry to write in English (Ich spreche nicht Deutsches).

Well, I wanted to let you know that I have free tickets to give away for FEDCON 16.

In a contest and in collaboration with FEDCON 16, The Scifi World has 5 weekend passes and 10 day passes to offer you for the convention!

How do you win your free tickets?

Simply go to this page and answer the 4 questions:


This week, 2 Saturday passes to win.

The tickets are "economy tickets". The contest ends this saturday but more tickets will be offered in the next weeks.

This contest is closing tomorrow but on Monday a new one is opening.

I'll post the link monday to the new one.

Bearbeitet von Gilles
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