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  • StarTrek.com mit großem Relaunch

    Komplette Episoden in HD uvm.

    StarTrek.com hat einen umfangreichen Relaunch vollzogen. Hier ein Überblick der neuen Funktionen und Features:

    • Offizielle Star Trek Datenbank
    • Online Community
    • Streaming von kompletten Episoden in HD (die allerdings nur innerhalb der USA verfügbar sind. Trick: US Proxy verwenden)
    • Star Trek Shop

    Hier die Original-Pressemitteilung:

    The Ultimate Destination For All Things Star Trek Features Robust Online
    Community, Streaming Video and the Official Star Trek Database

    NEW YORK - July 15, 2010 - Star Trek fans have reason to celebrate today with CBS Consumer Products' official re-launch of StarTrek.com. Created for fans new and old, StarTrek.com features a complete redesign claiming its place as the only official online destination for all things Star Trek. The site will be the ultimate fan experience with exclusive content and the official Star Trek database.

    The new site will engage users as never before offering an online community with Star Trek forums, photo galleries and the ability for members to achieve different status levels through their involvement. StarTrek.com will also be the premier destination for Star Trek-related news and content with streaming episodes in HD, insight and opinions about the Star Trek universe from special guest contributors and an online store.

    "Star Trek fans deserve a one-stop destination for all their needs. This re-launch allows us to bring the entire Star Trek community together in a single place and provide them with the very best in Star Trek news, content and merchandise," said Liz Kalodner, Executive Vice President and General Manager of CBS Consumer Products.

    As a part of this, the site showcases top fan sites, including TrekMovie, TrekToday and TrekWeb, to feature the latest and greatest Star Trek news. In addition to discussing and expanding their knowledge of all things Star Trek, fans can also shop online at the site's store, utilizing exclusive offers to acquire the latest gadgets, gizmos and collector's items.

    StarTrek.com will be promoted at next week's Comic-Con convention in San Diego with several collectibles for fans. CBS will be distributing at its booth (#4129) 400 limited edition watches each day, with a different color featured each day. Additionally, 9,000 limited edition StarTrek.com collectible buttons in seven different styles will be given out by 12 different Star Trek licensees at the show. For times and locations, follow us on Twitter (www.Twitter.com/StarTrek).

    Quelle: treknews.de


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