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  • Trailer zur 1 Staffel Star Trek: Discovery auf Blu-Ray

    Alle Features zum reinschauen
    CBS hat nun den Trailer zur DVD und Blu-Ray Veröffentlichung der ersten Staffel Star Trek: Discovery veröffentlicht.

    Darin werden nun auch diverse Inhalte bestätigt:

    • Alle Folgen der ersten Staffel
    • Über 2 Stunden Special Features
    • Gelöschte und erweiterte Szenen

    Die nur 345 Minuten angegebene Gesamtlänge auf Amazon.com ist also offenbar ein Fehler.

    Hier ist der Trailer

    Am 13. November erscheint das Disc-Set in den USA - wann die Serie in Deutschland auf Blu-Ray oder DVD erhältlich sein wird ist noch unbekannt.

    Hier die gesamten Features:

    DISCOVERING DISCOVERY: THE CONCEPTS AND CASTING OF STAR TREK: DISCOVERY – Interviews with producers, writers, and stars of Star Trek: Discovery about casting the show’s debut season.

    THE STAR TREK THEME – A discussion with executive producer Alex Kurtzman and composer Jeff Russo about creating the Discovery theme and score for the show.

    CREATURE COMFORTS  A behind-the-scenes look at the makeup and prosthetics department as they both modernized well-known Star Trek species like the Klingons, Vulcans, and Andorians, and brought to life a new species, the Kelpiens.

    DESIGNING DISCOVERY – Insight into the production design department led by Tamara Deverell as they created the planets, the world within those worlds and the starships to travel amongst them.

    CREATING SPACE – An exploration of how the VFX team, headed by Jason Zimmerman, pushes the envelope to create the reality of space, planets, and starships for Star Trek: Discovery.

    PROP ME UP  Led by propmaster Mario Moreira, a voyage through the world of Discovery props, providing an inside look at the design process from inception to set.

    FEEDING FRENZY – A fascinating look at the on-set food stylist who creates a galaxy of cuisine.

    A FEMALE TOUCH – With strong female producers and writers off-screen and powerful female characters on-screen, Discovery exemplifies the groundbreaking inclusionary theme first put forth in the original series.

    DRESS FOR SUCCESS – Costume designer Gersha Phillips and her team create a spectacular array of clothing, uniforms, and armor for every kind of species in the galaxy.

    STAR TREK: DISCOVERY: THE VOYAGE OF SEASON ONE – A look at the adventures and plot twists encountered in the first season by the crew.

    Bearbeitet von Daniel Räbiger


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